Tomato florentine, tornados and Pluto: see receipe for weirdest week yet.
The events of this week push my existence into the realm resembling something like a Twilight Zone episode. Whether it be tumultuous friendships exploding, the very existence of our solar system being pulled apart by technicality or tornados ripping through the grocery store parking lot, this week has led me to believe in the Ordinance of cosmic fate. If everything gets lined up just right, solar flares from Alpha Centuri can really mess with you, man...
I know its been a good whiel since I've posted anything meaningful on this blog. My apologies. The good news: the internet has been hooked up again here at the house, meaning that I'll be able to post more frequently and without having to trek down to campus in order to post. But this is relatively old news.
Pluto has been ruled a "dwarf planet" by a group of astronomers all gathered together somewhere in Europe, discussing the cosmos, life and the preference for wax paper over foil as potato chip bags through a cloud of pot smoke. I don't know how these NASA geeks get anything done.
In any event, the geniuses that be have voted Pluto off the island, leaving us with a meager eight to fight for the champion of "Survivor: Galaxy." What will those CBS execs think of next? My money's on Venus to get the boot next. She's been a shrew ever since the first millenium, and I think Uranus and Neptune have just about had enough.
I will soon find myself without a gym to go to. My membership expires, and I know of no other place that offers a monthly subscription. Doesn't this seem a little retarded? In any event, i'm training myself to get used to not having one (especially in a move out to a community where there is not activity center) by getting ready for running a 5K next month. It seems a good incentive to keep the running up. I want to shoot for a time between 21 and 23 minutes to complete. I do not expect a victory, just the thrill of competition. Beyond that, I've also started biking again, exploring the endless honeycomb of roads that tangle their way through Cleveland and Shaker Heights.
A Eulogy:
Charles Barr (31), bassist with the Cleveland Orchestra died two weeks ago today while on his bike in Cleveland Heights. While entering onto the road, he was unexpectedly hit by an oncoming truck, and was later pronounced dead at the scene by Cleveland EMS. His death has sent shock waves through the community, both musical and residential. It has given pause and a reason for us all to question more what we believe in, and the ultimate uncertainty of our existence. We do not know when our time will come up, and it is an excellent reason to question what we hold faith in.
I have already had the appointed opportunity to have a conversation on this topic with friends who do not believe. Is it not ironic, tragic and yet fitting that the greatest good a man could accomplish might only be in his death?