Headline reads: World of Warcraft dweeb seeks over twelve hundred dollars for fictional computer game character. Parents embarassed, doubtful to have son married before 45th birthday.
All I can say is... "wow." Actual post from DC's craigslist
WoW 70 Human Lock - T6 Attuned - Well Geared! - $1250
Reply to:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDate: 2008-01-07, 5:27PM EST
I've decided to end my WoW career and move on to bigger and better things. I have put huge amounts of time into this character getting him the best available destruction gear in the game. Which is all except for about 5-6 items that are minute upgrades and off of illidan etc... Anyways, I have a TON of gear for all possible builds. My affliction gear includes some of the better rare pieces for the spec, which will be listed below. If by re socketing some gems and changing some enchants it is possible to have over 1340+ spell damage which is pretty top notch for a raider. I also have pretty decent pvp gear, 431 res, 1000 spell damage at the spec, the gear will also be listed below. EPIC FLYING MOUNT included, Onyx Netherdrake, Silver Nether Ray, and Swift Red Gryphon. Other characters on the account - 60 gnome rogue, ok gear, was working on leveling him (has alot of rested xp.) Comes also with a little over 1400 gold and all raiding potions/elixirs/flask that will also be listed below.
375 Herbalism
365 Engineering
375 First Aid
PVE / raid build destruction gear (0-21-40, succubus sac)
Destruction Holo-gogs (meta-12 Spell Critical and 3% Increased Critical dmg - 5 dmg 6 stam)
The Sun King's Talisman
Mantle of the Corruptor (2x10spell critical gems, 18 spell power, 10 spell crit)
Ruby Drape of the Mysticant (20 spell penetration)
Robe of Hateful Echoes (2x 10 spell hit, 1x 5spell hit / 6 dmg, +150 health)
Mindstorm Wristbands (+15 spell dmg)
Studious Wraps (4spell hit / 5dmg, 4spell crit / 5dmg - 15 spell hit enchant)
Belt of Blasting (10 spell hit, 5 dmg / 6 stam)
Leggings of the Corruptor (10 spell crit gem, 35 spell dmg 20 stam enchant)
Blue Suede Shoes (12 stamina)
Ring of Endless Coils
Band of Eternity (honored)
Xi'ri's Gift OR Shiffar's Nexus-Horn
Sextant of Unstable Currents OR Airman's Ribbon of Gallantry
Fang of the Leviathan (+40 spell damage)
Jewel of Infinite Possibilities
Tirisfal Wand of Ascendancy
Spell dmg: 1090
Spell Hit: 201 (15.93%)
Spell Crit: 27.12% (with talents, 32.12%)
Penetration: 20
Health: 9455
Mana: 8940
PVE / raid build affliction gear (42-0-19, UA - destro reach)
**abnote - i made 2 helms, one with each meta**
Destruction Holo-gogs (meta- 5% chance next spell half cast time, 12 spell dmg)
The Sun King's Talisman OR Ritssyn's Lost Pendant
Mantle of the Corruptor OR Illidary Shoulderpads (both with 18 spell dmg, 10 spell crit enchant)
Ruby Drape of the Mysticant / Brute Cloak of the Ogre-Magi (20 spell pentration on both)
Robe of the Shadow Council (+150 health)
Mindstorm Wristbands (+15 spell dmg)
Studious Wraps (4spell hit / 5dmg, 4spell crit / 5dmg - 15 spell hit enchant)
Belt of Blasting (10 spell hit, 5 dmg / 6 stam)
Leggings of the Corruptor (10 spell crit gem, 35 spell dmg 20 stam enchant)
Blue Suede Shoes (12 stamina)
Ring of Endless Coils
Band of Eternity (honored)
Icon of the Silver Crescent
Quagmirran's Eye OR Void Star Talisman
Fang of the Leviathan (+40 spell damage)
Jewel of Infinite Possibilities / Orb of the Soul-Eater
The Black Stalk
Spell dmg: 1342 shadow (i did the math of how i would re socket / enchant)
Spell Hit: 144 (11.41% + number of talent points in suppression)
Spell Crit: 19.34% (without any points in devastation)
Penetration: 20
Health: 9342
Mana: 8801
PVP / SL/SL build (26-35-0, siphon life, soul link)
Merciless Gladiator's Felweave Cowl (18 stam 5% stun resist, 15 stamina)
Veteran's Pendant of Dominance (4 res, 6 stam)
Gladiator's Felweave Amice (15 spell power, 8 res, 5 spell damage 6 stam +3 res bonus)
Cloak of Subjugated Power
Gladiator's Felweave Rainment (+150 Health, 12 Spell dmg, 12 stamx2)
Veteran's Dreadweave Cuffs (8 res, 2 spell dmg bonus)
Merciless Gladiator's Dreadweave Gloves (15 spell hit)
Veteran's Dreadweave Belt
Merciless Gladiator's Dreadweave Leggings (25 spell dmg 15 stamina)
Marshal's Silk Footguards (12 stamina)
The Seal of Danzalar
Seal of the Exorcist
Medallion of the Alliance
Void Star Talisman
Merciless Gladiator's Touch of Defeat
Merciless Gladiator's Endgame
Fang of the Leviathan (+40 spell damage)
Spell dmg: 1003
Spell hit: 41 (3.25%)
Spell crit: 11.47%
Health: 12360
Mana: 8245
Armor: 2350
Other Gear/Trinkets
Core Felcloth Bag (epic 28 slot shard bag)
Blade of Twisted Visions (no enchanted - got it to test spell haste)
Ring of Recurrence
Full T4- Fully enchanted and socketed for affliction
Exalted Violet Signet of the Archmage
Medallion of Karabor
Skywitch's Drape (slowfall cloak)
Riding Crop
Engineering Transporter Trinkets (toshley's station, gadgetzan)
Orb of Deception
Commander's Badge
Violet Badge
Haloween Helm
What's in the Bank
Tabards for every Exalted Faction
1x Primal Nether
Not many Enchanting mats (stack of arcane dust, some greater planars)
Extra Flying and Riding Mounts
41 Badge's of Justice
Ornate Khorium Rife Schematic
60-90 of each Battleground Token
20 Slot Herb Bag
24 Slot Felcloth Soul Shard Bag
Raiding Pots/Elixir's/Flask's included
50 Adept's Elixir's
50 Elixir of Draenic Wisdom
30 Charges of Superior Wizard Oil
3 Flasks of Pure Death
1 Shattrath Flask of Supreme Power
30 Blackened Basilisk (+23 spell dmg food)
60 Heavy Netherweave Bandages
1 Mana Potion Injector (20 pots)
10 Superior Healing Potion
10 Superior Mana Potion
Ok, now the rogue... i wont go into too much detail with this character as he is just an alt.
Started out as a lvl 29 twink which i enjoyed but wanted to try to get him to 70.
Comes with lvl 60 Epic Mount
Ebon Mask
Sentinel's Medallion
Shadowcraft Spaulders
Perfectly Balanced Cape
Jerkin fo the Untamed Spirit
Shadowcraft Bracers
Shadowskin Gloves (+15 agility)
Highlander's Leather Girdle
Petrolspill Leggings (30 stamina, 10 agility)
Sure-Step Boots
Aquamarine Signet of the Monkey
Blackstone Ring
Insignia of the Alliance
Rune of Duty
Krol Blade (15 agility)
Mirah's Song
Ironstar Repeater
Attack Power: 711
Crit: 19.99%
Hit: 6.00%
Dodge: 25.94%
Health: 4123
Armor: 2175
Willing to go over any questions about the account through aim / msn / ventrilo / email. thanks for your interest!
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