Prepare to have your expectations of websites liquified!
This blog will contain such truths of the universe that it is probably not wise to have small children or lap dogs near the computer when viewing this site. Any damage to body, mind, or the fabric of the universe is not intended, and is probably not long-term anyway. Proceed at your own risk!
Actually, this is just a place for me to post my ponderings on movies, music, and the world at large. I thought my own web page would be fun, but that turned out to be alot more work and effort that I thought. (I have to learn html and javascript just to make something look cool?! I don't have that type of patience. Sorry.) So you all must make due with this: a blog devoted to the movies and music that I have been paying absorbing, plus anything else that I want to talk about. And you all have to pay attention! The beauty of the internet. . .
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