A step forward for domestic living! Homebodies rejoice!
No longer shall mattresses be hurled on the ground anywhere one feels like sleeping!
No longer shall one feel like falling asleep on the floor because that's where the mattress is!
No longer shall the couch hold as much validity as a sleeping surface as the bathtub!
No longer will I be able to get away without using bed sheets!
No longer will I be able to go three months without washing said bed sheets!
No longer will I be able to tolerate how much I drool in my sleep!
I have purchased a bed.
I do not have to sleep on the floor any more. Impressive, no?
Its sad that my 25th Anniversary G.I. Joe action figures had to come first on the list of priorities, but it's all in the past now...
...and After
See what a little bit of furniture can do to a room?
P.S. Kudos to Washington D.C. being named the second ugliest (people) city in the U.S.!
Single-handedly doing my part...already my impact can be felt.
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