I tell myself that no one else is possibly that interested in what I'm writing/thinking about and it's an exercise in pre-diagnosed narcissism to think otherwise. I still think this is true.

However, I've decided that in a moment of opportunity, and to help spur myself onto better habits, that I'll use the ol' faithful Turtles n' Cream to stay accountable. You, misfortunate one, are haplessly strapped in for the ride.
Over the past decade I have had great joy in building a recording collection that consists of (mainly) CD's and LP's. It has evolved as my tastes have, (in with the Ohio Players, out with "Chocolate Starfish & the Hot Dog Flavored Water") and has come to include a healthy representation of past generations' Best while finding the artists today who I regard as important.
My goal will be to listen to every single recording I own.

There are albums sitting on the shelf that I have listened to once; some not at all. This will be an opportunity to re-discover what I already own and perhaps point my ears in some new directions and re-visit my favorites.
Above all, it will be a discipline for me.
I will be posting each album on here along with a few words about each as I progress.
I will not make myself listen "down the shelf" as listening to seven Led Zeppelin albums in a row would be...tedious..
Everything will be listened to once.
I will do my best to listen to at least one full record every day. There is no limit on how many I can do.
This should get weird...
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