A Guilty Pleasure Revealed...
So I must confess something to you, O haven of cyberspace, of whom no one ever visits or reads. You won't tell anyone, right?
I once had a conversation about guitly pleasures. Thos candy-coated goodness that we allowed ourselves to indulge in, even though we know it wasn't the best available. All of you Britney fans know what I'm talking about. You guys disgust me.
So the light was turned on me. What kinds of things did I have lurking in the shadows that shouldn't see the light of day? At least for 23 year old male? And I'm quite pleased to say, everyone that was at this conversation met with approval at my choice of books, music and movies.
For the most part.
The only thing I was able to come up with at the time was a Limp Bizkit album I owned that I knew was gosh-awful, but I didn't care. Somehow it sounded good to me.
I have since traded away said piece of faulted music, and was presuming my life to be close to perfect now, since I couldn't find any embarassing choices of entertainment whatsoever. All men envied me, all women desired me. It was a beautiful thing.
And then I caught myself popping a DVD into the player yesterday.
I flipped the case over and was shocked. I reeled back in horror. But not so far as to step on my collection of amigo-approved CDs and DVDs.
There was a pattern here I wasn't too proud of!
I considered it. I pondered it. And then I realized I had a problem. An affinity. I felt like calling an AA group of some kind.
I announce it only to you dear Internet, knowing that no one else will read this. (Could this be an attempt to boost my hits?!)
So here it is:
I enjoy John Cusack films.
Now to the layperson wandering by this statement, they may not regard this as exceptionally weird or embarassing, but please, I invite you to probe further. . .
Consider the films that John Cusack has done. Yes, he's a fairly versatile actor who has appeared in many different varieties of film including romantic comedy (America's Sweethearts) action, (Con Air) and thriller, (Identity) but it is one of these genres where he is best known. And that is the Romantic/Comedy.
Yes, now the reality begins to sink in, doesn't it?
I know, it's disturbing to think about, but please, dear Internet, I beg you not to judge prematurely. Hear me out.
Other friends I have know of my rants on precisely this subject. I'll speak about how I have John Cusack and his movies and how he makes these "wussy" movies about "wussy" men and their problems and generally dealing with them like a "wussy."
But the truth of it is: I empathize and identify with Mr. Cusack's plight. The way his character is repeatedly thrown into similar circumstances in any romantic-comedy movie he's in I recognize in my own life and go through the emotional throes with him, taking part in his sadness and joys, hoping that he'll get the girl he wants, even if he doesn't know who that is.
So why am I ever opposed to John Cusack? The wise Internet asks. Well, it's two-fold: On one hand, I empathize with him and realize his struggles as my own, and don't want to watch them played out in front of me. It's uncomfortable. On the other, I see the way all of the beautiful women swoon over the "sensitive emotional" type and I'm sitting there feeling quite jealous of a ficticious screen character. I know, silly, but it's true. I can be sensitive and emotional! I'm just not going to bear it out in front of everyone. If you really think about it, would anyone really want that?
So here in the private confines of the all-hearing Internet I confide. Thanks for being there buddy. I'm gonna go watch High Fidelity now and watch John count down his top-five all-time worst break-ups ever. We'll laugh, we'll learn, we'll love. And someday, John Cusack will be mine.
(Is this what happens when you blog while sitting on the toilet? Betcha all wanted to hear that! Ha ha! You can't un-read it!)
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