I had a dream last night. . .
I dreamt that I (under some sort of dire circumstances) had t go on and play the drums for Meg at a White Stripes gig. So it was me and Jack White on stage, hopefully wailing away. Thankfully, considering Meg White's elementary drum technique, I was able to keep up with Jack, banging away at what I thought was a pretty similar rhythm to what Meg would have done.
And, as is typical in my dreams, we are never on a solid, easily identifiable location. We seemed to be performing on some sort of balcony overlooking a large restaurant, yet the balcony had as much space behind us as it did ahead of us, at varying different levels.
Afterwards I was able to hang out with Jack and Meg (who was still there for some reason) and we hung out for a while. I seem to remember that we got along quite marvelously, which is how I hoped it would be.
There was no mention of a repeat performance.
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