Welcome to the newest member of my family!
It's a baby...thing. Okay, it's not a baby. But I call it my baby! I even cradle it to sleep at night. Sing it lullabyes and pet it softly.
Ladies and Gentlemen: it's my new computer!
ta da!
(Gasps of disbelief. Shock! Horror! Unthinkable! Unfathomable! Unthathonkable!)
I know what you're thinking: how could he possibly get any cooler?!
Well, try this:
Yes, you heard me correctly... Because of Apple's release of their new iPod Nano, they are eliminating their stock of iPod Minis. Clever, huh? Makes you wonder what happened to the iPod Micro doesn't it? Skipped right over it.
On a more vaild note, the circumstances were evaluated, and I really felt that it was time to step in the arena of mobile technology. The idea of having access to my files and the internet regardless of what state or city I am in is becoming more important. Also, the growing availability of wireless internet, (both at school and now, up here at the house) means that the wonders of wireless internet are mine to explore while sitting on my couch in my underwear.
And now, since the homeowners I live with have returned from one of their myriad of travels and will be here for a while, my use of the computer (where I started this lovely blog) will be severely reduced, which would mean that none of you would hear from me again! Now isn't that sad? Of course it is.
Now here's the best part! I got it on clearence!! So it was several hundred off of the normal price, plus my student discount, plus the free ipod plus a big rebate on the printer-scanner-copier combo. . . needless to say, it was a monumentous day for consumerism. The bargain gods are rejoicing.
Now go away. I have much to explore on this cool little toy. . .
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