Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Neville Marriner, Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
"Bartok: Music for Strings, Percussion & Celeste" (Vinyl)

This austere album cover speaks volume to the music (and the attitude towards it) inside.   Released in 1970, ASMF (a much needed anagram for the lengthiest of all orchestra's names) was in the midst of a flurry of interest in "contemporary" composers' music although in 1970, this piece was already over 30 years old.

Bartok wrote his "Music for Strings, Percussion & Celeste" in 1936 and is considered by many (perhaps alongside his 'Concerto for Orchestra') as his crowning achievement.

I'm doing a little forward-listening.  Should my employment be the same next season, this work is slated for performance.  I'm very excited to get a shot at this work.  Easy it is not, but well worth the blood and sweat to attempt it.

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