Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rudolph Serkin, Ormandy
"Strauss: Burlesque in D minor" (Vinyl)

Remember that stack of six-eyes I found in the thrift store a few months ago? I'm still listening through I re-found this album which contains two works that I'm not immediately familiar with, but I almost accept that as okay.

Neither Schumann or Strauss are favorite composers of mine.  For different reasons: Strauss wrote some of the hardest music for an orchestra to play.  Schumann I regard as a second-rate Brahms.  Now let's see where such ignorant statements will get me...

Strauss wrote his 'Burlesque' for piano and orchestra when he was twenty-one, so it's a youthful work unlike his tone poems that would come in the subsequent decades.  I think it's understandable that this composition isn't performed that often, it's an odd length (doesn't even use one complete side) so it'd be difficult to program.

This album reminds me why a disc washer wouldn't be the worst idea in the world.  There is 70 years' worth of dust on some of these records that haven't been stored well by their previous owner.

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